I have an announcement to make! (and, spoilers, it is in the title)

For the time being, VIRAL AIRWAVES and THE WHITE RENEGADE are both out of print. It won’t last long–no more than a month–and though it might sound like bad news, I assure you I’m quite happy with it. My publisher, Incandescent Phoenix Books, offered me to get my rights back, and I accepted.

I will be republishing the novel under my own name ASAP. It would be there already, except that I am slightly swamped, and I want to do it right.

For the time being, you can get VIRAL AIRWAVES or THE WHITE RENEGADE for free. How? You can join my mailing list, which is an occasional e-mail with Cool News About Me. This will give you a link and password to download the novel! Your second option is to e-mail me at claudiea.writer@gmail.com. Until I properly put it out again, I’m just going to give it away!

There will, without a doubt, be a later “second edition”, one that fully anchors prequel and novel together, and that reflects my evolution as a writer and person. More on that way later, though. I am buried in Isandor, along with other Awesome Secret Projects I cannot discuss yet. It’ll be good though. I can promise that.