CW for quick colour-flashing gif at the end. Be careful if those are a problem to you <3

I am super duper excited to finally announce this!

Viral Airwaves releases once more on November 22nd!

Last August my publisher reverted all of Viral Airwaves’s rights back to me. I decided to use the opportunity to revise a few things that had been bothering me. Nothing story-shattering, but my biggest change is incredibly close to my heart, and I’m happy I had the chance to go back and do this.

So what is this biggest change?

Henry’s asexuality is no longer a subtext of my own. It’s flat out on the page.

Here’s the thing: when Viral Airwaves was written and published two years ago, I was still searching myself. I’d heard of asexuality enough to know I landed on the spectrum, but I’d yet to really examine how it manifested in me, and even less how it influenced my writing. But Henry’s narration was already devoid of clear sexual attraction–it’s always been how I perceived the world, even all those years ago as I worked through the first drafts of this novel (which now has 10! haha). This change is both the biggest and one of the smallest, because it’s always been there, just not stated. Now it is! Stated and validated! 😀 So huzzah for self-discovery and putting more rep out there!

What else changed? I smoothed out Vermen’s growing attachment to Seraphin and removed a bunch of microaggressions. I’ve learned a lot over the last two years and had no reason not to apply it as I reviewed, after all.

TL;DR: This is a better, gayer book, with official ace rep, and more care for the words it uses!

Pre-order it now on Amazon, Kobo, Nook, or iBooks! Paperbacks should be along shortly!
